I've just written a page report on mystery of the resurrection of Jesus for my Religious Education class, what do you think of it?
In this report, I am to prove if Jesus really died on the cross and came back to life or he was simply replaced with a look-alike when he died.
Bible sources show that just before Jesus’ arrest, he was praying in a place called
Some could argue that Jesus ran away and was replaced by someone who looked like him while the Disciples were sleeping. However, if Jesus really was replaced, somebody would notice. Even twins have different voices and builds. It wouldn’t be too hard for one of the high priests to notice it wasn’t Jesus because he was taken straight to them promptly after he was arrested. Even if they didn’t notice, surely one of the hundreds of people who said to pilot that he should be killed would have.
On the other hand, it also could be said that Jesus was replaced only after he died. After all, it was s disciple of Jesus who took his body. Again, people could say that Jesus was only in a coma and didn’t really die.
But that doesn’t really make sense. Even if Jesus was in a coma, wouldn’t the 3 days he was left in the tomb have finished him off? Also, Jesus couldn’t have been replaced after he was put in the tomb; it was under constant guard by Roman Soldiers who had no reason whatsoever to want to help Jesus.
After Jesus had been pronounced missing and appeared to Mary, many people would agree that she was just delusional and saw someone who may have looked like Jesus. If that was so, why would the person say to tell the disciples that he had risen? People might say that he was just mocking her but why would he be, saying what he did would start rumours about Jesus and make people believe in him again.
According to Bible sources, Thomas (called Didymus) didn’t believe that Jesus had really risen and he was one of the disciples himself. He said that he wouldn’t believe unless he actually saw the holes in Jesus’ hands, feet and side.
A little later, Jesus appeared to Thomas and showed him his wounds and he believed. If Thomas hadn’t believed the stories of Jesus’ resurrection at all, not even close to believing, why would he suddenly say that he saw the real Jesus if he didn’t really?
In conclusion, I cannot find any possible explanation for Jesus’ disappearance apart from him actually being the Son of God, I think that Jesus really did rise and was taken into heaven.
Recently, I've been up to loads of stuff, I should have posted it when it happened because I don't really have the time anymore. I'm back in school off my holiday so I'll probably be making most of my posts on the weekends now, cya!
hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! long time no see!!!!
yea I'm not Christian I'm Unitarian Universalist and i guess a Buddha too .
finally i found u again. I know u forgot me yes. You know 21pingu (speaking of him what happened to him). Anyway you and I were his best buds. Ummm your old army with him was......I dont remember, but you get the picture. i am wariolink. Think!!!!!!! I said THINK!!!!!!!!!! lol
ya im so glad i found you u will NEVER be lost again and eventually blake jetboy will be back!! (he was looking for you)
dude where are you!! you need to post more!!
LOLOLOL so much lies.
The Bible? Which one? There are like millions that say different things idiot. The whole thing's a lie.
On the other hand, the Qur'an has never been changed and never will be. The same thing you read in the Qur'an was written centuries ago by what Muhammad heard from Gabriel, an angel of God.
In the Qur'an, it clearly states Jesus (that's the English name - the real in, which was in Arabic, is "Eesah") died in a sacrifice for his people. It never states that he ever did or ever will come back alive. That's just some rubbish people made up.
The Bible lol... it's been revised so many times that God needed a new Prophet to deliver His final message in a way that would never change.
So shutup and throw this essay away. It's all fake junk extracted from human resources, not stuff strictly from God himself.
Jesus is NOT THE SON OF GOD. IDIOT CHRISTIANS DON'T LISTEN. He is the son of Mary (Marrium in Arabic) and John (no clue what it is in Arabic). And he did NOT take up the sins from the Christians. God would never allow that from his PROPHET, not son. God has no son. No father. No daughter. No wife. God is the supreme ruler of the Universe and must not be mistaken to have relationships with human reproductive systems.
And finally, I'd like to state that the most racist religion is Christianity. What Martin Luther King, Jr. was trying to tell was stated by the Qur'an hundreds of years before. And though there are a few centuries in between Islam and Christianity's creation, it will take less than that time for Islam to have more Muslims than there are and were Christians. WHY? Read the Qur'an. Compare it to the Bible. Which seems like it was written by God, and which by idiot and untrustworthy humans? You idiot, think before choosing.
Why is Christianity so dominant? Because idiot priests forced others to be Christian. That is against the rules of Islam. God doesn't give a CRAP about what you do, even if it is against your will. He cares about what is in your heart. He cares about what you think. If someone was forced against their will, are they into that religion in their heart? Not at all. Muslims knew this. Christians knew this. It was only out of greed that they forced it. Why do you think that the Muslim Empire, just a couple years after the sad death of the Last Prophet, allowed any religious practice? No matter what you were, you were okay. That's partly the case in today's more secular world, but is it secular? How come our schools claim to be secular but still have Christmas Holidays? St. Patrick's Day? WHY? Christians don't care. In Pakistan, the Islamic Republic, they don't care what religion you are. In fact, Christians are sometimes in the top of the government! One used to be PRESIDENT! And if Obama admitted to be Muslim, he would never have been voted in the United States! WHY? WHY? WHY?
That raises another issue. TERRORISM. The worst thing ever. In the Qur'an, it states that hurting others is completely illegal. Terrorists call themselves Muslims, but they aren't. They just are retarted. Islam is not just a religion. You have to understand that. It is a way of life. A path you choose. The path which has to be chosen before Judgment Day; before it is too late.
And one more thing. Most people think that if there is an area under Muslim rule, it is bad. In the modern world, people copy what happened in old African empires and became dictators. That is against Muslim law. In it, they state everything stated in the United States Constitution. It needs to be fully democratic. It needs to be secular. Freedom of Expression, from Wont, etc.
So, all in all, Christianity was good until people began rewriting parts of the Bible and made... so many "Bibles". Muslims aren't how they were supposed to be. This isn't the way it was meant to be. At all. Think before making up fake logic about a religion. Look at everyone's thoughts.
That is all. Thanks for reading. I am not against you. Remember that. Good day.
Lol yes it is..
Wait... I POSTED THAT?! I never realized. I'm just saying what I think, I guess. Maybe gone a bit religious there, don't you think?
Sorry for my outbreak, I just had to say something. So, Franklyn, you can delete my comment if you feel. Don't worry, I have it all saved. *yawn* bye.
I mean... in school, there's no religious racism in my classes. People respect others' cultures and I respect that. I just think it goes a bit overboard in the real world.
WHERE ARE YOU?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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